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Kerryn Jamieson Golf

Martin Chuck talks us through Wrist Angles and how to use the Hack Motion Sensor.

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HackMotion is one of the most multi-dimensional teaching aides you can find. Wrist movements are quite difficult to analyze through camera. HackMotion has simplified this illusion for the instructor but most importantly for the student.

Dustin Johnson's Swing Instructor, PGA, Golf Digest Top Ranked Coach

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The next big thing in Golf Instruction tools—The HackMotion wrist sensor. A game changing device that’s brilliantly easy to use and shows you, near instantly, things you can’t see...but need to.

Golf Digest Top 50 (#29), Golf Magazine Top 100 Teacher

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Great thing about Hackmotion is that I can trace the pattern of what the player is doing coming into the golf ball. Clubface is king when in comes to controlling the golf ball. With a good radar unit and HackMotion I can pretty much do anything

PGA Tour Coach, Director of Instruction Hamilton GC

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